
User's Manual

This is a partial version of the User's Manual. For the complete Manual, create an account at DRAccessReports.org.

Download or Print PDF:  DRaccessReportsUserManual.pdf (7.9mb, English)


Create an Account
My Account
Start a New Rating Record
Manage Rating Records
Import Rating Records from an Excel File
Export Rating Records to an Excel File

DRDP (2015)

Download or Print a PDF Rating Record
Create Child Report – Status and Progress
Create Peer Reference Report – Status and Progress


The Desired Results Access Project Reports online system (DRAccessReports.org) is a secure online database in which assessors can enter, review and generate reports from assessment data from the DRDP (2015) Information Pages and Rating Records. This resource is provided by the Desired Results Access Project to support Special Education teachers and providers who use or have used the DRDP instrument to assess children.

Who can/should use DRAccessReports?

DRAccessReports.org is open to all users of the DRDP (2015) assessment tool, including:

What are the benefits of using DRAccessReports?

What do I do if I have any trouble accessing the system?

For assistance, contact the Desired Results Access Project:

Create an Account

This section will help you create a new account in DRAccessReports.org.

1) Go to DRAccessReports.org and select “Create an account.”

2) Complete the registration form. The email address that you provide will become your DRAccessReports login name.

For security reasons, your password:

Provide your SELPA and District information in order to auto-populate these fields on each child assessment.

3) Once you complete the registration form, you will receive an email verifying your account. You must verify your account before you will be able to access the DRAccessReports system via the email verification link.

4) After verifying your account, you may log into your account at any time by going to DRAccessReports.org and providing your registered email address and password.

Be sure to logoff when you have finished your session to ensure that your data is secure.

This is a partial version of the User's Manual. For the complete Manual, create an account at DRAccessReports.org.

Download or Print PDF:  DRaccessReportsUserManual.pdf (7.9mb, English)